Web neighbor: A Verdant Life
Friday, March 13, 2009 at 4:21PM
Katie Hutchison in web neighbors

It's probably a bit early for spring fever, but with all of the grim economic news bombarding me indoors, I’m ready to get outdoors. Though the snow has finally melted on my street, temperatures often in the 30’s aren’t warming my heart. So I started daydreaming about warmer climes like California, where I’ll be headed in a few weeks, and I dropped in on A Verdant Life, the Bay Area blog by John Black who’s a landscape and garden designer. He’s also a principal at Verdance Fine Garden Design.

John Black and I practice related design disciplines on opposite coasts. His is a proactive, thoughtful voice in support of regional landscape design that is sustainable, authentic, and inspirational. He’s an expert comfortable expounding on binominal nomenclature, and a trend spotter amused by the recent treatment of architects and landscape architects in pop culture.

He offers insight into the landscape design process and succinct pointers to gardeners looking for direction. Often his conclusions readily translate to the fields of architecture and interior design too.

For New England house enthusiasts looking for cross-disciplinary and cross-coastal inspiration, look no further than A Verdant Life. Sometimes, venturing outside, literally and figuratively, can bring a much needed fresh perspective.

by Katie Hutchison for the House Enthusiast

Article originally appeared on Katie Hutchison Studio (http://katiehutchison.squarespace.com/).
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