Entries in recycle (1)
Web neighbor: greenGoat
Recently, I received a random email which I was prepared to ignore until I saw a curiously named organization in the subject line: greenGoat. I have a thing about goats -- goat cheese, actually. So, I hesitated before clicking "delete". Any one who knows me well has heard me natter on about goat-cheese camp. No, I don't know of a goat-cheese camp; I aim to find one, though. But, I digress. I clicked through the email to find out about greenGoat
Turns out, it has a comendable mission. According to their website, "GreenGoat boosts building efficiency through conservation measures that lower disposal costs, increase energy efficiency, manage storm water runoff, and improve building performance."
What really grabbed my attention was a 2005 article from the Wellesley Townsman which described greenGoat as "a nonprofit organization that works with architects, contractors, manufacturers and homeowners to recycle gently used building materials into other structures and donate larger appliances to families in need".
Brilliant! As the market has shifted away from new construction towards renovations in the past few years, there's been a growing need for an efficient, environmentally responsible, and meaningful way to recycle or reuse building materials, cabinetry, and/or appliances. Apparently, greenGoat has been in position to address that need since Amy Bauman founded it in 2001. I wish I'd been aware of it sooner, but better late than never.
What a great way to help save the planet and contribute to another family. Plus, there's a financial incentive to include the Somerville-based greenGoat in your renovation process. Participating homeowners receive a tax credit for donations and save on dumping fees.
Spread the word about greenGoat "saving more than money".
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast