
Entries from October 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010

Design snapshot: Shapely balustrade

White-on-white vignettes animated by profile, texture, and depth appeal to my sense of "complex order".  Winifred Gallagher writes in House Thinking that, according to architect Grant Hildebrand and his colleagues at the University of Washington, "complex order" is a factor among several which “enhance our experience of home”.  Plus, the interlocking positive/negative space created by this shapely balustrade, which serves an antique winding stair in New England, brings the work of Carl Larsson to mind.

For those not familiar with Larsson, he was a Swedish water-color artist whose paintings of family life within his cherished home Little Hyttnas are much celebrated today.  I admire both his water colors and the home he lovingly created in Sundborn.

by Carl LarssonThe Larsson entry-scene painting (shown here as a thumbnail) at Little Hyttnas captures his affinity for cut-out shapes and the intimate spaces they frame and enliven.  Though a rusty orange color ties subject to building to earth, I would argue that this work would still be spatially intriguing if rendered in shades of white.

I offer the winding stair and balustrade as case and point.

by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast

Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 3:09PM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in , | Comments Off

KHS online architecture and design services

Sample (partial) shared virtual notebook for online consulting client.Good news for House Enthusiasts: Katie Hutchison Studio (KHS) is now offering online architecture and design consulting services.  Well, I've been offering them for a while, but only recently updated the website to share the news.

I'm hoping my online services will help bridge the gap between those emailing general-interest questions to Ask Katie, here at House Enthusiast, and those seeking full architectural services.  If you're looking for advice, a professional viewpoint, or even clarification concerning a specific architecture or design project, but you aren't (yet) in need of drawings or further services, email your inquiry to Katie@katiehutchison.com.

Typically, KHS online consulting clients are invited to share a virtual notebook created by Katie Hutchison Studio (like the one illustrated above) which includes relevant photos, web links and notes pertaining to the online inquiry.

As the saying goes: the only stupid question is the one never asked.

by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast

Posted on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 8:53AM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in | Comments Off

Web tour: Saving old wood windows rather than replacing them

At last weekend’s symposium: “The Greenest Building is Already Built” I learned about a number of online resources which describe the unheralded benefits of restoring old, wood windows, weather-stripping them, and outfitting them with appropriate storm units instead of replacing them.

I’ve written here before about improving the performance of old, wood windows, which can be a “greener” and more aesthetic alternative to replacement windows.  But don’t just take my word for it.  The National Trust for Historic Preservation has a great tip sheet on the topic.  The U.S. Department of the Interior offers an informative Preservation Brief about it.  Apparently, this is a favorite topic of Old-House Journal's too.  They have articles here and here about it.

I was hoping to link to a graphic Old-House Journal published in their September/October 2007 issue, which illustrates four different window “tune-up” strategies and their associated annual energy savings in BTU’s, dollar savings per window (assuming gas heat at a 2007 rate), and the payback period.  I couldn’t find the graphic online, but suffice it to say that that the repaired, weather-stripped, old, wood window outfitted with a quality, storm window gives the Low-e glass, double-pane thermal, replacement window a run for its money.

Frank Shirley, of Frank Shirley Architects was awarded a 2010 BSA Research Grant in Architecture to study this issue and will release his findings sometime next month.  I’ll be sure to link to his study here when it’s available.

by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast

Design snapshot: An entry door with a touch of mystery

The design, material, and color of this detail within an antique entry door readily draw my attention. The v-groove planks, along with the beaded, arched-top, peak-a-boo window, and leaded lites punctuated with a ring-shaped, iron knocker are at once simple, elegant and intriguing design elements. The combination of deep-purple paint, gray metalwork and reflective, black glass enhance the door’s enticing, yet mildly foreboding, vibe – a captivating mix, especially in October. 

You can’t help but wonder what similarly beguiling architectural details might be found on the other side of this door. If only I could wrangle an invitation to find out. Perhaps I’m not too old for trick-or-treating… O.K., I am.

by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast

Posted on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 5:00PM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in | Comments Off

Free symposium: "The Greenest Building is Already Built"

Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 
Boston Architectural College, 320 Newbury Street, Boston, MA

Joseph Story House c. 1811, Salem, MASome times the obvious is worth repeating: rehabilitating, reusing, and renovating older homes can be inherently "greener" than building new from scratch. I wrote about this in one of my early posts Common Sense Green. In fact, it's a recurring theme of mine. Here it is in a post about the internal neighborhood of my antique condominium. And here it is again in a post about the LEED for Homes Silver Certification of the Joseph Story House, which was part of the 2009 Christmas in Salem House Tour.

Fortunately, for me (and you) there's an upcoming half-day symposium on the topic, to be moderated by New England Home’s Kyle Hoepner. Speakers will include Mark Price, Frank Shirley AIA, Jeff Stein AIA, Charles Sullivan and Rebecca Williams, who (according to the NEH event blurb) represent "perspectives from a variety of professions and organizations—architecture, architectural education, sustainability engineering, preservation and historical commissions".

Not your typical Saturday activity, but it could prove worth it.

by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast

Posted on Monday, October 4, 2010 at 9:00AM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in | Comments Off