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Design snapshot: Touchable texture

Click on this photo to see it in the note cards/prints gallery.This antique exterior celebrates the hand that made it and tempts the hand of the viewer. The satin, silver monochrome of the paint and ironware reveals every delectable irregularity, calling attention to texture, depth, and profile. Much like a black and white photo, the minimal palette reduces elements to their essence. Without fanfare, we readily understand the basics of ‘door’, ‘wall’, and ‘window’ from how the materials are shaped and arranged.

The reflective finish celebrates the swirl and linear striations of the wood grain. Round nail-heads subtly punctuate the surface of the imperfect clapboards and moldings that they secure. Deep shadows emphasize the edge of overlapping or intersecting elements of varying thickness, dramatizing the graphic composition. A dark crevice in a split clapboard interrupts the rhythm of repeated boards and animates the tableau. The iron latch set beckons you to fit your fingers around the grooved handle, press your thumb to the latch-release, and feel the weight of the door.

The patina of age and wear suggests that many before us have laid eyes and hands on this scene, grasped this latch, and tended to this building’s up-keep. It has the look and feel of one that has been loved. It’s someone’s treasure.

by Katie Hutchison for the House Enthusiast

Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 9:02AM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in | Comments Off

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