My new book: Call for submissions
Happily, today, I begin a new endeavor, and I need your help. I'm looking to collect submissions for a book I'm writing for The Taunton Press about today's small houses. The book will feature houses that are 1500 square feet or less and serve as primary residences for their homeowners. (Plus, there will be a few bonus small retreats that are 800 square feet or less!)
I'm hoping to find creatively designed small houses in a variety of locations in North America: on the beach, in a rural setting, within a village, in town, and downtown in a city. Featured houses will primarily be newly constructed, but a few might be fresh renovation/additions to older houses. With the aid of the featured houses, the book will illuminate approximately ten fundamental design strategies for today's small houses.
If you know of a new (or newly renovated) small house that you think I should consider including in the book, please let me know. For now, simply email me some low-resolution jpegs of the exterior, interior, and context, along with some background information about the size of the house, where it's located, who owns it, who designed it, if it has been professionally photographed, and if it has been featured in another publication. Also, please let me know if you're aware of any architectural drawings that depict it and its site.
I'll be collecting houses to consider for publication in the next few weeks and look forward to reviewing those that you may recommend. Together we can create a book that informs and inspires readers who may be embarking on their own small-house designs. Please join me.
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast
Posted on Friday, April 18, 2014 at 10:26AM
Katie Hutchison
in My small houses book
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