Entries in video (15)
Video: Home with Katie: Design tips -- Adding a shed dormer
Here's a little video ditty I recorded (with my husband's able assistance) on a lark a couple of weekends ago. It captures some footage of the Edgartown Dormer Renovation in my mother-in-law's simplified, Gothic-Revival style home on Martha's Vineyard. You can also find the Edgartown Dormer Renovation featured, in sketch form, in a Drawing Board column I did for Fine Homebuilding several years ago. The dormer got some ink in The Boston Globe in January, 2011, as well.
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast
How to look at houses... (like an architect): Top
Finishing with the Top
In this final installment of the exterior edition of How to look at houses… (like an architect), we’re moving up from the base, beyond the middle, to the top of home. View the entire exterior-edition video series here.
You can also find this video posted to the Fine Homebuilding SquareOne blog.
I hope you'll discover that the more you train your eye on houses, the more you'll see. Warning: house observation, analysis, and interpretation may be addictive.
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast and SquareOne

How to look at houses... (like an architect)
Looking at the Middle
Here's the third video in the series exploring house exteriors. This installment looks at the middle of houses, relative to the base and top.
The next episode will focus on the top of houses. If you would like to recommend a project to be referenced in the next video installment, please email it to Katie@katiehutchison.com. You can also find this video posted to the Fine Homebuilding SquareOne blog. Meanwhile, keep training your eye on houses.
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast and SquareOne

How to look at houses... (like an architect)
Base II
Here's the second video in the series. This installment continues the discussion of the base of home -- focusing on foundation piers, openings, areaways, and bulkheads.
Future episodes will further explore exteriors as they relate to the hierarchy of base, middle, and top. If you would like to recommend a project to be referenced in a future video installment, please email it to Katie@katiehutchison.com. You can also find this video posted to the Fine Homebuilding Square One blog here. Meanwhile, keep training your eye on houses.
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast and SquareOne

Video: architecture is home
Not long ago, I learned of a short-film competition organized by the Center for Architecture + Design titled "Architecture Is...". The competition objective is to "create a film expressing what Architecture Is... to you."
Find my video submission below. Follow the Architecture Is... YouTube channel to see all the entries as they come in.
by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast