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Design snapshot: Barn slider decider

I don’t mean “decider” in the W sense. I mean it in the sense that this barn slider is a game-changing winner among barn sliders.

Love the double-height design, featuring a door within a door. And, yes, despite the lack of clues regarding the scale of the photo, that’s a small-adult-sized passage door, to the left, within the slider. Its height and width most likely determined the slider's overall design. Cleverly, the lites in the passage door pick up on the four-panel configuration of the slider.

Plus, the slider's four cross braces do their job efficiently and in true barn style. Red paint finishes off a truly satisfying design.

What fun it would be to adapt a slider like this to a residential application, like a breezeway or three-season area.

Find more examples and thoughts about barn slider adaptations here, here, and here

by Katie Hutchison for House Enthusiast

Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 11:30AM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in | Comments Off

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