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Design snapshot: Entry porch personality

dssentryporch.jpgI’ve been photographing this seaside gem for years. There’s so much that’s right about it. The width of the porch is gracious and welcoming. The overhang is just deep enough to keep the rain off, but not too deep to become dark and encumbered. Even though it provides access to doors in two different directions, there’s no confusion about which is the front door and which is the side door. The double-hung windows that flank the main entry entice visitors with a glimpse through the building to the view beyond. Curved brackets and flared door trim echo the boat-like detailing of the porthole dormer windows above. It’s an appealing example of what well-considered design can achieve.

by Katie Hutchison for the House Enthusiast

Posted on Friday, October 12, 2007 at 9:06AM by Registered CommenterKatie Hutchison in | Comments Off

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